The Mod Squad was a groundbreaking hit show that originally aired from 1968 to 1973, so perfect fodder for your 70’s party costume! It starred Michael Cole as Pete, Peggy Liption as Julie, and Clarence Williams III as Linc, any of whom would make great inspiration for your 70’s costume. (Or for the most impact, get a group together and go as all three!)
The best part of wearing a Mod Squad style costume would be getting to spend the whole night using 70s slang – solid, “keep the faith,” “dig it,” and groovy.
For flower child Peggy Lipton/Julie:
Long, straight blonde wig. (Try our Long Blonde Hippie Wig or Blonde Hippie Wig)
Bell bottom pants, a mini skirt or short go go dress.
For Michael Cole/Pete:
Brown, shaggy hair (considered “long” at the time). Try one of our Brown 70’s Wigs. This Deluxe 70’s Dude Wig is my favorite for Pete.
Wide-collared shirt, denim shirt, or turtleneck. Try one of our 70’s shirts.
Fitted bell bottom pants. Or just go for the whole leisure suit.
For Clarence Williams III/Linc:
Afro wig, especially with groovy porkchop sideburns. Try one of our 70’s Afro Wigs.
Wide-collared shirt. This Black Mac Daddy Shirt feels the most Linc-ish to me, but we have lots of 70’s shirts you could try.
Fitted bell bottom pants.
How do I buy these things? Can’t find a link and no website listed. Please respond to
Alice, this post was from a few years ago, so some of the links to search results were broken. I have updated it with new links. Thank you!